Posts by jason

Group vs 1-on-1 Training

“I want to start a new fitness regiment but I cannot make up my mind.  What should I do?  Group training with some friends?  Or 1 on 1 training— just me and a personal trainer?” I get this question all the time and my answer is always, “What do you want to get out of…

Group vs 1-on-1 Training

“I want to start a new fitness regiment but I cannot make up my mind.  What should I do?  Group training with some friends?  Or 1 on 1 training— just me and a personal trainer?” I get this question all the time and my answer is always, “What do you want to get out of…

Getting Tired At the End of Your Workout? Helpful Tips for Getting More Results.

We’ve all been there.  It’s rep 10 and you have two more to go.  Or maybe it’s minute 22 out of a 30 minute workout.  You feel exhausted.  You’re almost there and yet that fatigue is setting in fierce and seemingly insurmountable. However, those final reps in a set and moments in your workout day…

More Age Does Not Mean Being Less Fiit

Age brings it’s own set of obstacles.  If you are older than 35, or even a member of the baby boomer generation, you may feel more tenderness in your muscles these days, fatigue more easily, or maybe you’ve faced an injury while working out that has encumbered you.  You are not alone. Obstacles come along…

In Rest We Build

No matter how heavy you lift, or how many reps you do, it is important to understand how your body actually builds muscle.  The fibers of your muscles do not grow without breaking apart and rebuilding. That period of rebuilding is a key ingredient that is sometimes overlooked. Your muscles ONLY build when they are…

Where the Mind Goes… The Body Will Follow.

Losing weight can be hard, especially for those who are used to immediate results in life.  It is made that much harder if you don’t have the right mindset. Instead, try putting this in your head: Losing weight is achievable.  You CAN do it.  You WILL do it. Lock that into your head if you…

Proper Spine Alignment During Squats

Squats are one of the most important exercises, as they target several key muscle groups including thighs, calves, back, abs, and arms.  However, they can be a bit intimidating because improper form can result in serious injury.  Don’t let this scare you away though!  Squats are one of the best exercises for you.   So…

Warming Up for Workouts

Warming up is a crucial aspect of your workout and should never be overlooked.  There are several key actions to remember: First, walk at a brisk pace, or jog, for at least five minutes prior to working out.  This will help ramp up your heart rate so that your cardio vascular system is prepared for…

A Few Words from a FIIT Client

In addition to our regular articles about fitness, I love posting personal anecdotes from actual clients.  Here is one that just came to me from Eric Peterson, a client of Jason Smith Fitness since 2010.  If you have an interesting fitness story to tell, send it my way at [email protected]. Greetings! My name is Eric Peterson….

Are You Dehydrated? Do You Know How to Tell?

Do you live in Arizona?  We do.  Consider the fact that if you work out, in addition to living in one of the driest and hottest climates in America, that you are consistently losing water— especially during the Summer (or in this case, a 90 degree April). Add to that the fact that most people…

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